Culture of silence and liberatory education
Freire’s contribution
liberatory education, silencing, Paulo FreireAbstract
This work aims at comprehending the relationship between the culture of silence and liberatory education in light of Paulo Freire’s thought. It is part of a research entitled Culture of silence in the professional identity of pedagogues at the Federal Institute of Ceará in light of Freire’s thought, developed at the Graduate Program in Education of the State University of Ceará. As data collection procedures, the first phase of the study was a bibliographic review. In a society where the human voice, word and expression are effaced, there are marks of the culture of silence introjected as a collective consciousness. However, liberatory education as a conscious act presents itself as a resistance to the history of silencing, welfarism and body domestication. Such education occurs in opposition to the limits of oppressive reality and also of imposed silence, aiming at surpassing the social class status in itself to configure it as a social class for itself starting from critical conscience.
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