Education and democracy in the current scenario of neoliberal capitalismo
Human formation, Business education, Solidary education, Common paradigmAbstract
This text is the result of a bibliographical study on contemporary education and its connection with economic rationality as its new managerial principle. We highlight the relationship between the educational project based on the idea of performance as a humanist formation. The objective is to argue, based on specialized literature, in favor of an educational project based on a double-sided dynamic involving, on the one hand, the humanistic formative ideal and, on the other, the vocational education of young people for the labor market. Therefore, it is a question of placing the transfer of economic rationality and the valorization of results into the field of education to the detriment of culture and subjective and anthropological values, essential to the integral formation of the human person. The basic concept of this formative project is not based on the classic religious or philosophical transcendences, but on the idea of the dialogically formulated common with a view to dignity, solidarity and diversity
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