Human capital and educational landscape

On how current Heydorn’s Critique of the Structural Plan for Education (1970)




history of education reforms, education guidelines, human capital


The essay reconstructs the history of the German education system reforms, choosing the famous Heinz-Joachim Heydorn’s critique in the 1970s as the centerline of the argument. Not only the pre-history of this critique but also the policies of the last decades would reveal a continuity of pedagogical orientation that, from the concept of human capital to the criteria of competency and adaptation to the demands of the ever-changing economy and technology, loses sight of man. Instead of focusing on immediately useful human competencies, the author advocates for universal education, convinced this is the best condition to cope with the challenges from the dynamics contained within the modern world.


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Author Biography

Dirk Stederoth, Universidade de Kassel (UNIKASSEL), Kassel

Mestre e Doutor pela Universidade de Kassel, Alemanha. Professor de Filosofia no Instituto de Filosofia, Universidade de Kassel/Alemanha.



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How to Cite

Stederoth, D. (2020). Human capital and educational landscape: On how current Heydorn’s Critique of the Structural Plan for Education (1970). Educação, 43(2), e35974.



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