Human condition, common world and education
human condition, schooling, children, traditionAbstract
We wanderers, open and unfinished species, forced to deal with the uncertainty and the dramatic nature of the human condition, have chosen and established models of coexistence always provisional, subject to modification and improvement. Thinking about the education of future generations requires a look at what we have in common, that is, the human world, the fruit of our interactions and creations. The aim of this text is to understand what makes up our human condition and, from it, what school education and teaching have to contribute to the construction of a common human world. It will be from the theoretical perspective of philosopher Hannah Arendt, especially from her work The Human Condition, that these thematizations will be proposed. Taking the ordinary human world as the basis and guidance for educating newcomers means that we nurture the desire for this world to continue, last, and become eternal.
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