Can you hear me? - Accessing the voice of the child with Autism and their parent
Engagement, Autism, Child and Parent voice.Abstract
The aim of this paper is to access the voices of children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their parents. This paper engages with philosophical conceptual frameworks exploring concepts of movement and engagement in eliciting child and parent voice. Qualitative, longitudinal case studies were conducted. Semi-structured interviews [n=83] were conducted with stakeholders including parents. Children with and without the label of Autism engaged in interventions drawing on the Creative Arts. Living autoethnography was considered a methodological tenet, establishing connectivity between life and research, self and others, providing a window through which the internal world of the parent was interpreted and understood. This research enabled children and parents to explore their worlds and deliberate on areas that affected their lives. The potential value for using the Creative Arts as a means of engaging children with Autism is discussed. Implications relating to movement [literal and metaphoric] and engagement are explored.
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