Teaching Literature
A historical-cultural proposal for the resignification of teaching practices
literature, teaching, semiotics, socio-historical-cultural theory, teacher trainingAbstract
Clarify the concept of Literary Art and to contribute with the education professionals in the construction of their scientific knowledge on the teaching literature are the purposes of this article, due to the continuity of a practice of reading the literary text, still devoid of the historical-cultural bakhtinian approach, that values the act of reading as a dialogical and ambivalent act, of aesthetic (philosophical) and ideological (social) nature of language. This text proposes reflections about the importance of the bakhtinian theory for the resignification of teaching practices in the teaching literature. This is a qualitative research - a case study, involving semi-structured interviews with twelve teachers from a public school in São Paulo state and the observation of two (filmed) classes of literature. From the semiotics (bakhtinian) analysis of the data, resulted discussions with the participants about the relevance of an epistemology of teaching practice, based on the Materialist Philosophy of Language
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