A gestão educacional e a inclusão da temática ambiental nos PPPs de escolas públicas municipais
environmental education, political pedagogical project, educational managementAbstract
The present research aims: (a) to understand how the political-pedagogical projects (PPPs) of four public elementary schools, located in a city in southwest of Bahia, were developed; and (b) to learn how environmental Education (EE) is approached by the curricular matrices of these projects. Four PPPs were analyzed from four municipal schools that attend the initial years of elementary school. In addition, semi structured interviews were conducted with 27 teachers. The study is qualitative, descriptive and exploratory. A documentary analysis of the PPPs was carried out, as well as the categorization of the texts of these documents, using the IRAMUTEQ software. The triangulation of the data was done according to Minayo (2010). Of the four PPPs analyzed, three present curricular matrices that consider the theme EA from a conservationist perspective, and one approaches the insertion of EE in a socioenvironmental perspective.
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