The ethnic-racial quotas in brazilian federal universities and the imperative of inclusion
Eethnic-racial quota, Education, Neoliberalism, Security dispositive.Abstract
We analyze in this article the ethnic-racial quota program in the Brazilian Federal Universities as a in/exclusion dispositive from the theories by Michel Foucault about neoliberal governmentality and the security dispositive. The proposal is to problematize the system of quota reservation in Brazilian universities, considering the imperative of inclusion as a neoliberal strategy in the freedom management and social control. Nowadays, the population desire management, of its capacities to opt freely and require its participation in the market strategies is considered, in this case, under the effect of a safety dispositive, which highlights the way neoliberal governmentality works on the process of subjectivity. It is in this sense that the inclusion becomes nowadays the tonic of social rules and ensures the speech that every citizen must to be included and may use the possibilities offered by the State. However, the inclusion doesn’t assure the equalitarian participation of all, therefore, inclusion, in this case, is not necessarily the opposite of exclusion, but it is part of the inclusion-exclusion dynamics.
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