Is there anything hidden in the infant education curriculum composition?
Curriculum. Gender and sexualities. Infant education.Abstract
The research focus on children’s gender and sexualities and in what educators live every day in a not established or thought curriculum but present in school. Gender and sexualities are school controversy social constructions by the multiplicity of visions, beliefs, taboos, prohibitions and values of those who work in it. The research made in two schools caught information from: (a) the research with participative observation and register of narratives in a diary; (b) semi-structured interviews with educator(s); (c) dialogues and exchanging knowledge in the ongoing teacher(s) education; (d) bibliography of childhood, curriculum, gender and sexualities. The conclusion: (1) revealed educators’ hiding and silencing about this theme; (2) showed difficult experiences which lead adults to face new situations raising to decisions in an uncertain, peculiar and value conflicts’ field; (3) showed speaking carried by anxiety and duress about the sexual act; (4) revealed the educating team’s (un)knowing experience bout children’s gender and sexualities.
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