The appropriation process of the textual genre in its double possibility of school approach
Textual genres. Psychological instruments. Instrumental genesis.Abstract
Based on the concepts of Sociodiscursive Interactionism (SDI) on textual genres and on psychological instruments (SCHNEUWLY, 2004) and in Rabardel (1995) concerning instrumental genesis, we are interested in investigating the extent to which members of a teaching project integrated with Pibid, whose theoretical and methodological basis are related to the textual genres, appropriated the genre as a mediator instrument and organizer of mother tongue education. More specifically, our intention in this article is to know the theoretical and methodological basis on textual genres was appropriated by the project members after a series of events. Therefore, we analyzed a set of responses given by pibidianos to three different questionnaires. The results showed that most of the nvestigated participants completed the process of instrumental genesis, however two of them demonstrated that the studied theory is still for them artefact.
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