Questions regarding the role of the subject in the delineation of specialized education
Special education. Subject. Psychoanalysis.Abstract
In this article we seek to identify some historical and social movements that were important in the construction of specialized education and that allowed for the delineation of a field of intervention related to childhood instances classified as abnormal, both in terms of the rise of incipient teaching systems and of the formalization of spaces aimed at the clinical approach adopted for these subjects. Within this context, we sought to provide evidence of the emergence of the role of the specialist, which came to intervene in a decisive manner in institutional environments based on acquired knowledge of these subjects, sometimes accepted as truth. The notion of discourse as a means of establishing social ties allows for the formalization of the manner in which this knowledge produces an institutional and social space for people considered different and for a discussion of how deeply the path of specialized education is marked by alternating master-signifiers that tend to crystallize truths regarding subjects that cannot, in their totality, be defined.
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