Dance lessons at the media
Dance and education. Media and education. Dance lessons.Abstract
This paper seeks to synthesize aspects developed in the thesis Dance lessons at the dance of postmodernity - bodies controls in the media, exposing pedagogical contemporary media practices. The perspective of Cultural Studies and its follow-ups in Education were methodological and theoretical options which made possible to advance towards the articulation of the concept of mediatization and how this process allows the operation of strategies of subjectification and government was pursued. The contributions of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze were vital to such understanding, particularly the concept of power and dispositif. In order to proceed such analysis a plural corpus was assumed: movies, video clips, sites, magazines, electronic toys and television programs among others. It was possible to set ten lessons that are recurrently delineated in media, which operate on the constitution of the dancing subjects, on life management policies, by promoting not only the management of singularities, but also the maximization of new ways of being and living in the contemporary world.Downloads
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