Threatened accountability: about talking “Bullshit” in education


  • Thomas Kesselring Universidade de Berna



Ethics. Education. Marketing. Higher education. Bullshit.


In his bestseller On Bullshit, Harry Frankfurt observes an increasing trivialization both in human communication and the production of written texts. At first sight, Bullshit seems to be a kind of utterances similar to a lie. Yet, the liar maintains the distinction between true and false, whereas the Bullshiter neglects this distinction. In this respect, Bullshit comes close to the bluff. What is the cause of the rising Bullshit production? Frankfurt suggests that it is due to a flattening of the political discourse. But how can we explain this phenomenon for his part? Despite the high level of his analysis, Frankfurt forgets to mention a characteristic feature of the contemporary market society, namely the increasingly important role of marketing. Since the culture of competition and marketing is entering more and more Higher Education, practices that originally had nothing to do with Education, such as boasting, deceiving, ranking and benchmarking, are pervading and perverting Higher Education, too. This article describes and analyzes the queer excrescences of this process.


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Author Biography

Thomas Kesselring, Universidade de Berna

Filósofo suíço, formado na Alemanha. Ensina ética, ecologia e multiculturalidade na Escola Superior de Pedagogia de Berna (Suíça) e filosofia na Universidade de Berna. É professor convidado da Universidade de Caxias do Sul (UCS) e da Universidade Pedagógica em Maputo (Moçambique). Obras principais: Entwicklung und Widerspruch (Frankfurt, 1981), DieProduktivität der Antinomie (Frankfurt, 1984), [[Jean Piaget (Munique, 1999)]], Ethik der Entwicklungspolitik (Munique, 2003), traduzido para o português: Ética, política e desenvolvimento humano (Caxias do Sul: Educs 2007), eHandbuch Ethik für Pädagogen [Manual de ética para pedagogos] (Darmstadt:Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, no prelo).


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NIETZSCHE, Friedrich. Sobre verdade e mentira no sentido extra-moral (1873). São Paulo: Abril Cultural, 1974.

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How to Cite

Kesselring, T. (2014). Threatened accountability: about talking “Bullshit” in education. Educação, 37(3), 435–440.