Indiscipline and pedagogical discourse: effects of different senses in confrontation
Pedagogical discourse. Meaning effects. Indiscipline. Classroom. Trainee. Teacher.Abstract
This study is proposed to show effects of meanings on indiscipline in classroom, regarding the pedagogical discourse. Anchored in the Pêcheuxtian Discourse Analysis, the study emphasizes the subject-trainee positions and subject-effective school teacher, in elementary school and high school. The analytical corpus is heterogeneous, built of texts produced by trainees of Portuguese Language degree that reported their experience as Regents of class in school. Interviews of Portuguese teachers were also used, representing schools of different regions. The study of the discursive designation points out that the words in use are subject to reformulations of meaning, according to the historicity of the subject. Several effects of senses were produced by the analysis, showing the confrontation of different discursive positions and the pursuit by teachers of a resolution for theirs difficulties. It is suggested that the theme need to be explicitly treated in degree and continuing education.Downloads
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