Time and performance
Time. Performance. Teacher formation.Abstract
The essay deals with the horizontal, dynamic and ambiguous relationships between time, performance and education. It investigates the relationship between time and performance use of language as a normative reference to think the sense of teaching, reaching to the reinterpretation that one of the promising role of the teacher is to know how to mediate linguistically the time. Hence the performance use of words (Jürgen Habermas) and the dialogic reflection (Paulo Freire) are indispensable for the justification of the tensions that mark the teaching action, an opposite attitude to performance as production and to the didactization performance itself. The perspectives indicate that performance as problem-solving horizon of the word world with inter-subjective potential and critical of the reality should not be taken of technical and marketing form, or suffer the emptying of meaning and constitutive tension of the communication with the otherness.
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