Asas da Florestania: languages and cultures at play in the forest-based citizenship literacy program in Brazil



Palabras clave:

Continua of Biliteracy, Asas da Florestania Infantil, Acre, multilingual setting and curricula.


This methodological article applies the Continua of Biliteracy (Hornberger, 1989; Hornberger & Skilton-Sylvester, 2000) onto the curriculum and human resources of Asas da Florestania Infantil, namely Asinhas, a preschool initiative with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) recognition for its startling approach to the Acre an multilingual setting in northwestern Brazil. Overseen, forest-dependent, Acre’s identity is a traditional and hybridculture melting pot with sustainable rubber tapping advocates, indigenous land claimers and Haitian refugees, where languages and literacy converge to legitimate the Brazilian linguistic and cultural diversity. Initially funded by national communication mogul Rede Globo and the World Bank, today, it also responds to municipal, state, and federal accountability. We concluded
that Asinhas’ recruitment of Educational Agents to promote meaningful forest-based content at an anthropological home visits approach is an outstanding decentralization and multilingual setting and curriculum acknowledgement, despite its population under representation and scaling-up limitations.


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Biografía del autor/a

Silvia Ramos Sollai, Florida State University

K-12 Portuguese Curriculum Specialist


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Cómo citar

Ramos Sollai, S. (2017). Asas da Florestania: languages and cultures at play in the forest-based citizenship literacy program in Brazil. BELT - Brazilian English Language Teaching Journal, 8(2), 133–147.


