Hegel and the foundations of communitarianism





Justice, Communitarianism, Liberalism, Constitution, Fundamental Rigths


The publication of A Theory of Justice by J. Rawls provoked an intense controversy between liberals and communitarians, mainly regarding the priority of the just-about conceptions of the good. The importance given to the context of a community to build a theory of justice has been the subject of much controversy. It is considered irrelevant by liberals and fundamental by communitarians. This article aims to examine this controversy and investigate the bases of communitarianism, or more precisely, to indicate that Hegel's Philosophy of Right can be considered an anticipation of these bases. His ethical-political conception of the Constitution is the most significant proof of this. It is necessary to explain the idea of ​​freedom as a guiding principle of every legal, political and social structure to achieve this objective. This clarification includes presenting abstract law, morality, and ethics as ways of implementing it. Ethical substantiality is discussed as the source of inspiration for communitarianism. The indication of an ethical-political conception of the Constitution and its relationship with the pre-political community is the central argument of this influence.


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Author Biography

Thadeu Weber, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS



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How to Cite

Weber, T. (2024). Hegel and the foundations of communitarianism. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 69(1), e45908. https://doi.org/10.15448/1984-6746.2024.1.45908



Ethics and Political Philosophy