Life as a scandal of truth

Michel Foucault’s philosophical testament




Parrhesia, care of the self, Foucault, cynicism, aesthetics of existence


This article aims to interpret the last course taught by Michel Foucault at the Còllege de France, in 1984, extracting from it a kind of philosophical testament. I begin by seeking to make a parrhesiastic rendering of accounts emerge from this Foucaultian self-writing, in which Foucault speaks frankly about the dimensions of his work and his horizon of concern with the interweaving of three major themes: truth, power and the subject. Later, I analyze how these three themes are tied by Foucault around the central issue of his last course, the notion of parrhesia. I expose the development of the concept of parrhesia in connection with the theme of true life in the Socratic-Platonic tradition, in Cynicism and in primitive Christianity, to finally conclude that Foucault leaves us a vast legacy, including the mission of, from the tradition opened by cynicism, to promote a rewritting of the history of philosophy no longer as a metaphysics of the soul, but as an aesthetic of existence.


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Author Biography

Lucas Villa, Federal University of Piauí (UFPI), Teresina, Piauí, Brazil.

Post-Doctorate from Universität Hamburg, Germany. PhD in Law from Uniceub. Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Piauí. Professor at the Federal University of Piauí and the Postgraduate Programs in Philosophy and Professional Master's Degree in Philosophy.


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How to Cite

Villa, L. (2023). Life as a scandal of truth: Michel Foucault’s philosophical testament. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 68(1), e44132.