Memory, ethics & aesthetics: some considerations from Adorno, Levinas and Gur-Ze’ev
History. Memory. Ethics. Aesthetics. Eros.Abstract
The reflection starts from the Benjamin’s task to those who are alive: to create a real “state of exception”. It is understood that this is the primary task of an ethical and aesthetic Historical Education. The article is organized in three parts that understand the three inseparable elements that constitute the first movements towards overcoming the “state of Exception” of violence without memory. In the first part, it discusses, from Adorno, the “state of exception” of violence without memory and reaffirm the duty of memory that opposes barbarism. In the second part, it comments, following Levinas, on the ethics of responsibility. In the third, it analyses the aesthetics of the Gur-Ze’ev’s counter-educational Eros. It concludes that the posture of an ethical and aesthetic historical thinking goes through the refusal to forget and the development of a critical attitude towards oneself, towards the Other, and finally towards reality.
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