The Philosophy put in people: by an ethics of the poem in Celan and Derrida
Deconstruction, Writing, Impossible, Paul Celan, SupplemenAbstract
This article aims to find a way of thinking philosophy from a writing marked by what we will continue to understand as “people”. Jacques Derrida will be the theoretical north of this text, which he himself brings in very precise lines throughout his work around the expression “worthy of his name”. If there is dignity
or if something has a dignity and by it a name, if the word dignity [Würdigkeit] still brings us, as in Kant, to the unconditional notion of “person” and whether it can in that register and, as we shall see, be extended to every other and yet to inscribe a “majesty”, this is how the expression “worthy of his name” runs through Derrida’s work when he begins tireless work with the word, especially in his later writings, whose significance is not more objectionable.
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