Autarkic utopias – The irrational autonomy of nature
Autarkic Utopias, Homo Utopicus, Autonomy of Nature, Ethical Irrational.Abstract
This paper reflects on the contingencies resulting from the autonomous machines of nature in the universe of concrete utopias. It considers the way artefacts achieve autonomy before the irrationality of matter. It is known that utopian machines can express a power unknown to the human being and reach an autarkic condition in face of their creator’s negligence. Ernst Bloch ascribes these utopias to a third level category”, a not-yet-being that, in his ontology, corresponds to the “possibility structure of the real object”. Contingence and unpredictability occurring at this level determine the autonomous dimension of technical utopias. The evolution of the dynamic and complex process of matter – natura naturata (potentiality – passive possibility). The nature thet produces nature reveals that man’s action over matter transforms utopian daydreams into dystopian daydreams, establishing a range of utopian autarkies that threaten humanity. This context welcomes the dawn of new technical utopias, indicating a non-conformity in the generation of autarkic machines as well as the absence of an ethical language between the homo utopicus and the natura naturans.Downloads
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