The evaluation of submitted works to PNLD 2018 (Philosophy)
PNLD 2018. teaching Philosophy. Didactic books.Abstract
this article is the result of the research led by the team of coordinators of PNLD 2018 (Plano Nacional de Livros Didáticos), specially during two seminars that gathered the whole team of referees. the text is divided in four sections. the first one consists on an historical account of the way(s) that Philosophy was teached throughout the western world, from Ancient Greece to the current days (our primary focus was, of course, the Brasilian case). Secondly, we put forth a critical revision of the rules and laws that regulate the public teaching of Philosophy, specially the criteria that guided this selection. In the third place, we highlight the main topics and methods followed by each of the approved works. Finally, we pointed out some issues and challenges that PNLD and the public teaching of Philosophy will have to face in a near future, given the current Brasilian legislation on those subjects.Downloads
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