From justice as principle of egalitarian will to justice as increase of power. Nietzsche and justice as a way of inversion of bad conscience in increase of the affirming power of life


  • Adilson Felicio Feiler Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos



Nietzsche. Justice. Bad conscience. Resentment. Power


Conceiving justice as principle that equals is put itself in the process opposite to life increase. This is the main idea that shows from the Nietzsche’s written, specially, Human, too human, and For Genealogy of moral. Conceived as gamblig of mights, the life rises insofar as to it opposes obstacles, as the violence, the war, the offence, and the exploitation. As long as justice sacralises the revenge, rises the reactive affections, putting itself in a position of hostility to promotion of life. On the contrary, to justice must break with that law institution that only see proposition of the impaired for putting itself beside the active, violent and excessive human being. To justice connects it, hence, a biological value rises and stimulates actives affections that intend overlook and possess, in order to reverse the bad conscience in good conscience, replacing the revenge and the resentment by the affirmation of mights. To what extend justice, understood under this biologicist prism, is capable of accounting for what is it responsability as promotion of the common good?


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Author Biography

Adilson Felicio Feiler, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos

Professor Doutor no PPG Filosofia da Universidade do Vale do Rios dos Sinos. Pesquisa na área de Sistemas Éticos e História da Filosofia, com ênfase nos seguintes temas: Nietzsche, Ética, Má Consciência, Cristianismo.


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How to Cite

Feiler, A. F. (2018). From justice as principle of egalitarian will to justice as increase of power. Nietzsche and justice as a way of inversion of bad conscience in increase of the affirming power of life. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 63(2), 458–472.