The Conceptual Structure of Experience: McDowell and the Kant-Hegel Debate


  • Erick Lima Universidade de Brasília



Kant. Hegel. McDowell. Perception. Experience. Contextualism.


This paper aims at considering McDowell’s interpretation of the epistemological debate between Kant and Hegel. The main issue to be discussed here concerns the conceptual structure of experience. Firstly, I intend to elucidate the meaning of Hegelian strategies for issues in the analytical tradition (1). Secondly, I attempt to delineate McDowell’s most general position in light of the Kant-Hegel debate (2.1 e 2.2), as well as his appeal to Wittgenstein’s “private language argument” (2.3) and his intervention in the modern discussion on the perception of secondary qualities and colors (2.4). Then, I try to interpret some developments in the Phenomenology of Spirit following  McDowell’s indications (3). Finally, I intend to point out the meaning of McDowell’s “allegorical” interpretation of Hegel’s discussion about Lordship and Bondage in Having the World in View(4).


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Author Biography

Erick Lima, Universidade de Brasília

Professor Adjunto no Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade de Brasília Professor no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia na Universidade de Brasília PPG-FIL/UnB


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How to Cite

Lima, E. (2016). The Conceptual Structure of Experience: McDowell and the Kant-Hegel Debate. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 61(1), 220–248.



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