Simmel and the hypothesis of comprehension as reconstruction of psychic processes in historical knowledge


  • Marcos César Seneda Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Instituto de Filosofia (IFILO)



Dilthey. Lived experience. Rickert. Simmel. Understanding.


This text seeks to clarify the thesis of the current understanding that Simmel presupposes as the locus of comprehension and interpretation of human processes endowed with meaning. In order to clarify this, the positions of Dilthey and Simmel are compared regarding the role that the lived experience plays in the founding of historical knowledge. In contrast to Dilthey, however, Simmel does not presuppose a lived experience that could be understood in another person or circumscribed as based on an object, because he places the foundation of understanding in the present state of the one who understands. Thus, he operates with objective possibilities of the construction of connections of meaning by means of the projection of psychic processes. Although he hardly is remembered in the debate regarding interpretation or regarding the philosophy of history, Simmel has his own consistent position concerning the founding of historical knowledge which may either open new directions of research or be fruitful for reexamining already consolidated perspectives.


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Author Biography

Marcos César Seneda, Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Instituto de Filosofia (IFILO)

Professor Associado do Instituto de Filosofia (IFILO) e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia (PPGFIL) da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)


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How to Cite

Seneda, M. C. (2018). Simmel and the hypothesis of comprehension as reconstruction of psychic processes in historical knowledge. Veritas (Porto Alegre), 63(3), 1073–1091.