The (im)possibility of the ‘knowledge’ of God in Kant: the highest Good, object necessary of reason
Knowledge. Dignity of being happy. Philosophy of religion. Kant. Highest Good.Abstract
The Highest Good, as shown in the CPR, consists in the union of morality with happiness. How this link cannot necessarily be ensured by the man himself during his finiteness and imperfect existence, remains that if there is a synthesis, it can only be clarified in a supposed a priori synthetic judgment that is able to link the virtuous earthly life with the post mortem happiness which is what seems to require a synthesis of this nature (CPR, A 215). Considering this issue, we argue that there is good reason to believe that the Highest Good is a necessary object of the pure practical reason with basis on the metaphysical assumption of the peculiar constitution of the faculty of desire of finite rational beings, without compromising the universality aspect of this pretension. The article culminates showing some viewpoints of approaching the Highest Good, making clear that there is not a strict evidence, but the fecundity of a set of theoretical and practical perspectives that allow a series of approximations of the concept to the point where, by good reasons, it seems not more reasonable support this concept just as a merely dialectical ideal.
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