Teologia da História – última realidade ortopráxis: nota sobre a filosofia na Teologia da Libertação


  • Jukka Raunu PUCRS


Teologia da Libertação, Teologia hegeliana, J. B. Libanio, Ortopráxis


In this article I will expound the main points of my dissertation The Mediated Immediacy which was approved in Helsinki this year. The critical points of liberation theology are taken up: the question of the Hegelian theology of history, the role of social science in purely “scientific” terms according to Althusserianism, and the “pragmatic” origins of orthopraxis that come from the theology of E. Schillebeeckx. KEYWORDS: Theology of Liberation. Hegelian theology. J. B. Libanio. Orthopraxis


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Author Biography

Jukka Raunu, PUCRS

Teólogo finlandês, Doutor em Teologia pela Universidade de Helsinque, com a tese The Mediated Immediacy: João Batista Libanio and the Question of Latin American Liberation Theology.

