Carmo Scapular
a historical classic, its resistances and hopes
Scapular of Carmo, Critical hermeneutics, Classics, SocietyAbstract
This text will seek to present the Scapular of Carmo understood as a religious classic and which is framed in a historical perspective. An attempt will be made to carry out a critical hermeneutic, a rereading of this religious sign, removing its excesses and presenting it as a historical element and therefore subject to a rereading. The Carmo Scapular, a sacramental, gained great prominence in popular devotion and in this perspective remained as a sign of faith. The classics are capable of passing generations and structures, remaining as a reference of content, morals and social organization. The Scapular becomes a sign of Christian formation, but it also presents a background on social development. The bibliographical research understands the devotion and its history and, together with the theologians, it is perceived the way of understanding the faith and the relationship with the transcendent. The text presents the Scapular as a religious and social reference.
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