Contraception as a family planning and health tool <b>[Abstract in English]</b>


  • Marcelino E. H. Poli PUCRS


Anticoncepção, Planejamento Familiar, Saúde Reprodutiva.


Aims: To consider some aspects of contraception and to present it as an instrument of health promotion. Source of data: Review of literature and of Brazilian law that rules the matter. Summary of findings: Contraception is the way to separate sex and reproduction. It belongs to the whole means of family planning defined by the Brazilian law number 9263. It depends on making a decision and for that it contributes the culture, the education and the economic status. Conclusions: For the correct use of the contraceptive methods it is advisable a medical follow-up and this is a good strategy to attract people, especially the poorer, to go to health centers, being an adequate and appropriate means of health promotion. KEY WORDS: CONTRACEPTION; FAMILY PLANNING (PUBLIC HEALTH); REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE; SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH.


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Author Biography

Marcelino E. H. Poli, PUCRS

Mestre em Gerontologia Biomédica pelo Instituto de Geriatria e Gerontologia da PUCRS Professor Adjunto do Depto. de Ginecologia da Faculdade de Medicina da PUCRS Presidente da Comissão Nacional de Anticoncepção da FEBRASGO.

How to Cite

Poli, M. E. H. (2007). Contraception as a family planning and health tool <b>[Abstract in English]</b>. Scientia Medica, 16(4), 168–171. Retrieved from



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