Contraception as a family planning and health tool <b>[Abstract in English]</b>
Anticoncepção, Planejamento Familiar, Saúde Reprodutiva.Abstract
Aims: To consider some aspects of contraception and to present it as an instrument of health promotion. Source of data: Review of literature and of Brazilian law that rules the matter. Summary of findings: Contraception is the way to separate sex and reproduction. It belongs to the whole means of family planning defined by the Brazilian law number 9263. It depends on making a decision and for that it contributes the culture, the education and the economic status. Conclusions: For the correct use of the contraceptive methods it is advisable a medical follow-up and this is a good strategy to attract people, especially the poorer, to go to health centers, being an adequate and appropriate means of health promotion. KEY WORDS: CONTRACEPTION; FAMILY PLANNING (PUBLIC HEALTH); REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE; SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH.Downloads
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How to Cite
Poli, M. E. H. (2007). Contraception as a family planning and health tool <b>[Abstract in English]</b>. Scientia Medica, 16(4), 168–171. Retrieved from
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