Social support on self-esteem and social identity of Brazilian transgender


  • Bruno de Brito Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Elder Cerqueira-Santos Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)



Gender identity, Transgender, Social identity, self-esteem, Social support.


The aim of this study was to explore to investigate the influence and role of satisfaction with social support, family support in social identity and self-esteem of traswomen, transmen and non-binary people. Were part 203 Brazilian transgender, who answered an online questionnaire with: scales of the questionnaires of Body Identity and of Brazilian Youth, Need for Identification Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Satisfaction with Social Support Scale. ANOVA and Pearson Correlations analysis showed relations between family support and the self-esteem score. Multivariate analysis of linear regression showed that age, the fact of whether or not undergoing hormone treatment and satisfaction with social support acted associated with the social identity of the participants. It is argued that social fostering can alleviate the psychological stress of stigmatization, improve self-esteem and to trans social identity providing support for violence perpetrated by a heteronormative society.


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Author Biographies

Bruno de Brito Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Departamento de Psicologia. Psicologia Social e do Desenvolvimento

Elder Cerqueira-Santos, Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS)

Departamento de Psicologia. Psicologia Social de do desenvolvimento


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How to Cite

Silva, B. de B., & Cerqueira-Santos, E. (2018). Social support on self-esteem and social identity of Brazilian transgender. Psico, 49(4), 422–432.




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