Institutionalized children and depressive symptoms by the Rrorschach and CDI




sheltered children, child depression, Rorschach test, self assessment scale.


Depressive symptoms in children can be subtle and varied. This study investigated depressive symptoms in institutionalized children for adoption, comparing them with non-institutionalized children, using the Rorschach method Comprehensive System and CDI. Fifty male and female children took part in this study. These children were between seven and eleven years old. For the analysis of data, it was used: Student’s t test, Pearson’s correlation, and Cohen’s d. The results revealed that the institutionalized children showed lower self-esteem, affective problems, suicidal ideation, school difficulties and impairments in the relationship with the other when compared to non-institutionalized children. These data suggest a possible depressive syndrome, and the further clinical investigation is advisable to provide diagnosis and treatment, especially to institutionalized children. In addition, associations were found between the variables of the Rorschach and CDI. Implications of these findings and suggestions for future research are presented at the end.


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Author Biography

Ana Cristina Resende, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás, GO




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How to Cite

Resende, A. C., Oliveira, L. de M. M., & Franco, R. (2019). Institutionalized children and depressive symptoms by the Rrorschach and CDI. Psico, 50(3), e29666.




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