Stepmother-stepchild-mother triad: reflections on motherhood


  • Terezinha Féres-Carneiro PUC-Rio
  • Cristina Ribeiro Dantas
  • Rebeca Nonato Machado
  • Andrea Seixas Magalhães



Motherhood, Gender identity, Marital relations.


The present study is part of a broader research on conjugality and parenthood in the remarriage and aims to investigate the interaction between the stepmother, her stepchildren and their mothers. For that, a qualitative research was carried out, in which 16 stepmothers of the middle socioeconomic segment, aged between 28 and 43 years, were interviewed. The results were analyzed according to the content analysis method in its categorical aspect. Six categories of analysis emerged from the material. To achieve the objectives formulated in this work, the category stepmother-stepchild mother triad will be discussed. It was found out that the interaction in the triad is influenced by the process related to the previous separation mourning process, by the gender roles and the stereotype of the irreplaceable mother.


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Author Biography

Terezinha Féres-Carneiro, PUC-Rio

Professora titular Departamento de Psicologia


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How to Cite

Féres-Carneiro, T., Dantas, C. R., Machado, R. N., & Magalhães, A. S. (2018). Stepmother-stepchild-mother triad: reflections on motherhood. Psico, 49(1), 62–72.




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