Bicycle Use as a Means of Transportation: Influence of Psychological Factors. A Literature Review


  • Romina Caballero Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Humanas y de la Salud (CAECIHS)
  • Paul Franco Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Humanas y de la Salud (CAECIHS)
  • Alba Mustaca Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Humanas y de la Salud (CAECIHS)
  • Adriana Jakovcevic Centro de Altos Estudios en Ciencias Humanas y de la Salud (CAECIHS)



Habits, intention, literature review, transportation, Environmental Psychology.


The massive use of sustainable transport modes such as cycling, not only requires changes in the infrastructure of cities but also a behavioral change. Accordingly, it is necessary to understand the main motivations that determine transport mode choice. The aim of this study was to analyze which are the psychological variables that better predict bicycle use as a transportation mode, by means of a systematic review of the literature from the last 10 years. Results of our analysis indicated that the choice of the bicycle as a means of transportation is determined by intentional processes. The intention to use this transportation mode is primarily associated with perceived social support as well as the perception of one’s own ability to perform the behavior (self-efficacy), and to a lesser extent, with a positive attitude towards it. However, once cycling becomes habitual, the influence of the rational processes weakens. This suggests that the design of policies aimed at increasing sustainable mobility should contemplate different strategies according to the frequency of use of this transportation mode.


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How to Cite

Caballero, R., Franco, P., Mustaca, A., & Jakovcevic, A. (2014). Bicycle Use as a Means of Transportation: Influence of Psychological Factors. A Literature Review. Psico, 45(3), 316–327.



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