Connective images of culture


  • Suzana Kilpp Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos



Audiovisual culture, connective images, audiovisualities


Audiovisual goes beyond the formal limits of the media when it comes to the Internet and the mobile devices: swift and mutant, it escapes the usual normalization and control. They are images and narratives that are largely still based on the ones we used to be accustomed to. But they have already caused irritation to the system as they have inflated the market with their abundance and because they overlook the private authorial ethics and do not subject to the bourgeois law. What is this? What is the imagetic nature of such audiovisual and culture? This is what we will try to propose in this paper (with still many limitations, we admit) having intuition as method and deconstruction as principle.


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Author Biography

Suzana Kilpp, Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos



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How to Cite

Kilpp, S. (2011). Connective images of culture. Revista FAMECOS, 17(3), 181–189.



Media Culture