Telejornalismo at the service of the public: the voice of the people on the scene
Public service, tele-journalism, peopleAbstract
In the tele-journalism society, the TV news fulfill a public function and seek among the citizens they represent in each edition, or among the images that journalists construct of the public, principles that legitimate the socially produced knowledge that is generated in each edition. The aim of this text is to evidence the placement of people on the scene, as social actors with the right of expressing a thought, and analyze how far through the use of audiovisual resource, the journalists involved in the production of the TV try to build ties with the audience, and produce the TV newscast to serve the public. The research includes an empirical invstigation of the popular participation, na analysis of the speeches delivered in the news of a local broadcast, TV Alterosa – Juiz de Fora.Downloads
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