The protocol and precedence in the ritualized representations of the French Republic's President - From political communication's form to a symbolic representation of power


  • Denis Fleurdoge Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III



Imaginary, politics, society


The author thinks that, in the practices of the power, the protocol and the precedence accompany the slow modification of the sensibilities and of the western man’s behaviors. New relationships are elaborated among the men with the establishment of new rules and forms of behavior. For him, it can be considered that the representative practices are at the same time projection and mirror. Projection of values and norms of a visible power under the codes of the representations. And mirror because the representations are a type of reflexive reference of similar practices (idea of institutional paradigm).


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Author Biography

Denis Fleurdoge, Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III

Université Paul Valéry - Montpellier III


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How to Cite

Fleurdoge, D. (2009). The protocol and precedence in the ritualized representations of the French Republic’s President - From political communication’s form to a symbolic representation of power. Revista FAMECOS, 16(38), 10–15.



Policy and Representation