Ecological experimentations

the films of Rose Lowder




french cinema, experimental fi lm, ecology


The goal of this paper is to highlight the ecological aspect in the works of fi lmmaker Rose Lowder. Her fi lms are shot outdoors, in nature, and aim to modify visual perception and image-based representation, foregrounding the materiality of the fi lmic medium. Her fi lmography, characterized by its use of unique shooting and editing techniques, is remarkable for its calculation regarding creative possibilities. The parameters of investigation outlined in this study are the fi lmic procedures that stress the aesthetic and ecological qualities of this artist’s work


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Author Biography

Lucas Murari, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil

PhD in Communication and Culture from the University Federal District of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Experimental cinema and art researcher vanguard and editor-in-chief of Revista Eco-Pós (UFRJ), in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil.


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MACDONALD, Scott. A Critical Cinema 3: Interviews with Independent Filmmakers. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998. DOI:

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MACDONALD, Scott. The Garden in the Machine – A Field Guide to Independent Films about Place. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 2001. MACHADO, Arlindo. Pré-cinemas & Pós-cinemas. Campinas: Papirus, 2014. DOI:

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How to Cite

Murari, L. (2023). Ecological experimentations: the films of Rose Lowder. Revista FAMECOS, 30(1), e44861.



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