The dark side of anti-vaccination
Analysis of a brazilian anti-vaccine Facebook group
vaccination, misinformation, Facebook, data miningAbstract
This paper explores disinformation in the context of vaccination on Facebook through analyzes based on the use of data mining tools. The objective is to identify, from a case study in the group “O Lado Obscuro das Vacinas”, the themes related to the (mis)information circulating on the network, taking into account the theorization of bubbles and post-truth. Analyzes of the entire set of publications published in the group for the period from 2015 to 2019 are presented. Computational solutions are used for data extraction and processing, with a view to identifying thematic groups and similarity graphs. The results reveal a weaving of beliefs and emotions, characteristics of a post-truth scenario, as well as a recurrent convergence of the terms “measles” and “autism”, with reference to controversies motivated by misinformation that was fomented in the 1990s.
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