What’s Metaverse Film? Sci-fi, DAO or Digital installation?

Research on the intermediality of the Metaverse and Cinema





Metaverse, Film, DAO, Digital installation, Moving image


“Metaverse” has been gaining popularity since 2021 and the term has observably inextricable relation with cinema. But the implication of Metaverse film should be far more than a sci-fi subgenre. Following Deleuze and Manovich’s discourse of intermediality analysis, this paper discusses how Metaverse influences cinema with its connotation, cultural principles as well as its technologies, argues that it may bring about a fundamental change to cinema, especially when it is integrated with video installations, which will change cinema in all aspects of its aesthetics, narrative and distribution, and explores these revolutions from both the aesthetic and material perspectives of cinema.


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Author Biography

Zhao Linuo, Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU), Beijing, China.

PhD in Film Theory from Peking University, in Beijing, China; Postdoctoral Research in Visual Art of New Media during 2017-2019 in Beijing Film Academy, in Beijing, China; Lecturer of future-media and cinema Aesthetics and head of XR-Lab at Beijing Foreign Studies University, in Beijing, China.


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How to Cite

Linuo, Z. (2022). What’s Metaverse Film? Sci-fi, DAO or Digital installation? Research on the intermediality of the Metaverse and Cinema. Revista FAMECOS, 29(1), e43354. https://doi.org/10.15448/1980-3729.2022.1.43354

