Beat your ass
Body, gender and raciality performances at a black LGBTQIA+ party
Race, Genre, Musical ScenesAbstract
Within a broader research project focused on the study of black musical scenes developed in the current Brazilian urban context, this article results from observations developed about the Batekoo party, held in the city of São Paulo. Based on an account of ethnographic inspiration, the text presented seeks to discuss the meanings, aesthetics and values put into circulation from this party, in order to broaden the discussions on the reconfigurations of racial identities, observing the consumption of popular music, the configuration of new styles and gender performatizations as reflective strategies for negotiating subjectivities and tensioning power relations. In this way, we seek to present new theoretical paths for the understanding of racial dynamics, recognizing in the mediations of black youth cultural productions different dramatizations of languages and new aesthetic and identity projects performed in the party space that give rise to different aesthetic, communicative and political exercises in contemporary city.
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