Memes of Lula in Operation Car Wash
Memes, Lula, Operation Car WashAbstract
This article aims to analyze memes about the bench warrant of former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in 2016. The theoretical and methodological basis is anchored in Foucaultian Discourse Analysis. In analyzed corpus, selected from three news sitesand online newspapers, memes deconstruct Lula’s image through affiliations to discursive formations opposed to him. The symbolic field of images becomes an arena for ideological confrontation and dispute over meanings in the socio-historical context of political crisis initiated by Operation Car Wash. We understand that in the scenarium of interactivity and media convergence said and unsaid coexist on the surface of memes. The meaning productions from the play of visibility and invisibility of the images. In the discursive movement of the analyzed images, we observed the construction of derisory effects based on the body of the petista.
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