Brazilian native digital journalism
A case study of Nexo
Digital journalism, Native digital journalism, NexoAbstract
The article presents a case study of the Brazilian native digital journal Nexo, founded in November 2015. Nexo is an independent organization that produces informative contents in different formats. The research starts from a theoretical reflection involving the concepts of digital journalism and native digital journalism to, then, begin the study of the journal. The empirical research itself concentrates two steps. The first one is the study of published content of 16 different sections of Nexo. The second step includes the analysis of interviews with the managing director Paula Miraglia and the executive editor Marina Menezes, who explained, in telephone interviews, about the company’s routine and values shared by the team. At last, the investigation indicates a predisposition to experimentation and innovation in the newsroom of Nexo. Those values must be emphasized in the journalistic companies of contemporary context, regardless of the publishing platform.
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