Violence in the media or violence in the society?


  • Marcia Perencin Tondato Methodist University of São Paulo



Television, Reception, Violence


This article discusses violence and its representation on television, showing the results of a comprehensive reception research, employing qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results show us a society centered in the media, that depends on television for information, although such information is elaborated according to social and cultural environments. Consumption has to be quick, there is no time for reflection. News has to be short and objective. News programs only show city facts, not being violent themselves. Violence is best characterized on programs related to entertainment, as they do not respect the human being.


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Author Biography

Marcia Perencin Tondato, Methodist University of São Paulo

PhD in Communication from the School of Communications and Arts of the University of São Paulo (2004), Master in Communication from the Methodist University of São Paulo (1998). Graduated in Advertising (1992) by UMESP. Postdoctoral training at the University of Brasília (2015). Lecturer in the Post-Graduate Program in Communication and Consumer Studies at the Superior School of Advertising and Marketing - ESPM-SP.


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How to Cite

Tondato, M. P. (2008). Violence in the media or violence in the society?. Revista FAMECOS, 14(32), 126–133.



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