Another look at opinion: its value in antiquity, its value in times of human rights


  • Mayra Rodrigues Gomes University of São Paulo



Communication, choice, identity


This article develops a reflection on the idea of opinion, from the perspective of human rights, allied to the perspective of the media in general and journalism in particular. Part of the understanding of the status of opinion, as thought by Aristotle, to confront it with current conceptions in this regard. It tries to show to what extent the Aristotelian position can be re-read in order to become pertinent in times that are different to it.


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Author Biography

Mayra Rodrigues Gomes, University of São Paulo

Professor at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

Gomes, M. R. (2008). Another look at opinion: its value in antiquity, its value in times of human rights. Revista FAMECOS, 13(30), 91–98.



Mídia e identidade