The Field of Communication: its constitution, challenges and dilemmas


  • Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes University of the State of São Paulo



Communication, field of communication, scientific research


The origin of fields of study such as Communication comes from a double movement. The first is an internal movement of science itself, which is one of convergence and overlapping of contents and methodologies, and which is increasingly noticed in the recent historical development of Social Sciences. The second is the movement of historical rupture caused by what is conventionally called the process of globalization. In the present text I follow previous reflections on the subject, to now focus on the double movement mentioned above, problematizing: 1) the meanings of the notion of field and academic field; 2) the disciplinarization that guided the birth and development of the Social Sciences and in sequence, the studies of Communication; 3) global society as a communication society; 4) the dilemmas of the institutionalization of the field of Communication in Brazil.


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Author Biography

Maria Immacolata Vassallo de Lopes, University of the State of São Paulo

Professor at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo


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How to Cite

Lopes, M. I. V. de. (2008). The Field of Communication: its constitution, challenges and dilemmas. Revista FAMECOS, 13(30), 16–30.



The field of communication