The obscenity of everyday life and the contemporary communicational scene


  • Fernanda Bruno Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Daily, Visibility, Postmodernity


The contemporary interest in the common and the banality of everyday life is increasing, which is reflected in the exhibition of being in various levels and formats of visibility, such as on the internet and on television. The intimate relations between daily life, appearance, artifice and ephemerality find in the communicational environment an extreme and grotesque example, arousing fascination and interest in millions of spectators.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Bruno, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, coordinator of CiberIDEA: Research Center on technology, culture and subjectivity.


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How to Cite

Bruno, F. (2008). The obscenity of everyday life and the contemporary communicational scene. Revista FAMECOS, 11(25), 22–28.



Dossier Michel Maffesoli