Sweet scorpio poison: problematizations on the economy of the symbolic in the diaries of Raquel Pacheco
Consumption. Communication. Literary field.Abstract
the paper analyzes the configuration of the symbolic economy in the Brazilian literary field from the strategies around the book O doce veneno do escorpião, by the writer Raquel Pacheco. The work raises a series of questions about the writing as an expression and symbolization, of the relations between pornography, self-help and biography, of the instances of circulation and channels of visibility, provoking new arrangements and positions in the consumption relations of the field of symbolic production. The paper is based on the references of Pierre Bourdieu to investigate the discourses of some legitimating instances that fought in the battle for (not) recognition / distinction of the work of Raquel Pacheco in the literary field, with the intention of sketching the constellations of powers that instituted a new in the publishing market. The research also analyzes, in this way, the means and the mediations used for the configuration of the newly emerged “program literature”.
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