The Notion of Engagement: meanings and pitfalls for communication research




Engagement. Communication. Epistemology.


The paper problematizes the meanings of the notion of "engagement" and its impacts and pitfalls for communication research. From a political sense to a meaning that involves relations with media products and trademarks, the notion is rebuild. After exploring theoretical and epistemologically some works that deal with engagement in communication studies (mainly English research in communication and fan studies), we question its use and propose a "disengagement" of the notion of engagement. 


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Author Biography

Rafael Grohmann, Cásper Líbero / Universidade de São Paulo

Doutor e Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Professor do Mestrado em Comunicação da Faculdade Cásper Líbero. Professor Contratado III da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (ECA-USP). Realiza estágio pós-doutoral na ECO-UFRJ, sob a supervisão do professor Muniz Sodre.


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How to Cite

Grohmann, R. (2018). The Notion of Engagement: meanings and pitfalls for communication research. Revista FAMECOS, 25(3), ID29387.



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