Images of gender and female ageing in Brazilian TV series Os Experientes
TV Serial fiction. Gender relations. Elderly woman.Abstract
This paper analyzes two episodes of the Brazilian TV series Os Experientes (O2 Filmes; Globo, 2015). The objective is to observe the creation of meaning of the verbal-visual discourses about the elderly women and female aging. The article is based on two complementary axes: (1) the discussions about the aging of the population and the "feminization" of the old age (Debert, 2012; Neri, 2007; Salgado, 2002), considering both phenomena as a part of the deep and the contemporary complex transformation of the identities and intimacy (Giddens, 1993, 2002); (2) the studies of language of Bakhtin (2002, 2003), mainly concepts of concrete enunciation and dialogism. The analysis revealed the plurality of images of female ageing in the modern-day, highlighting the presence of strong women aware of their potentialities beyond the traditional approaches concerning the theme.Downloads
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