Political Scandal and Narratology: weaving the narrative threads of Face Oculta and Lava Jato cases
Political Scandal, Narrative Theory, Political JournalismAbstract
This work aims to analyze the configuration of the mediated scandals through the narrative theory. We believe that by combining news stories about the same subject or topic published in a dispersive way for several months, its possible to weave the narrative threads of two particular scandals: Face Oculta (Portugal) and Lava Jato (Brazil) and, as consequence, reconfigure the events in a plot that allows us to understand the political scandals as media events. Paying particular attention to the discourse strand (expression plane) and to the story-strand (chronological events in a narrative), we pretend to assume that political scandals are complex narratives that may be interpreted as stories that have a plot, minor and major episodes, characters and poetic and aesthetic effects inherent to meaning strategies of the journalism field in the moment of converting the scandal into a media experience. Besides that, we also verify the similarities and differences in interpretations of both cases.
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